
2020年2月11日 星期二

Keira Knightley-Lost Stars 歌詞翻譯

Keira Knightley-Lost Stars (迷途之星)歌詞翻譯


Please don't see just a girl caught up in dreams and fantasies.
拜託 別只認為我是個沉迷於夢境與幻想的女孩

Please see me reaching out for someone I can't see.
拜託 我只是想接觸一些我無法明白的事物

Take my hand, let's see where we wake up tomorrow.
牽起我的手 來看看明天會在哪裡甦醒

Best laid plans; sometimes are just a one night stand.
有時最好的夜生活 或許便是一夜情

I'll be damned; Cupid's demanding back his arrow.

So let's get drunk on our tears.
所以 讓我們在淚水中狂歡吧

And God, tell us the reason youth is wasted on the young.
還有上帝 請告訴我為什麼情春總在年少時放浪度過

It's hunting season and this lamb is on the run.
在這肉弱強食的社會 我們像羊群一般奔跑著

We're searching for meaning...

But are we all lost stars trying to light up the dark?
但我們不過迷途之星 仍試著用卑微的力量照亮夜空

Who are we? Just a speck of dust within the galaxy.
我們到底是誰? 不過星雲中的一粒塵埃

'Woe is me' if we're not careful turns into reality.
若我們不即時回到現實 我便會成為不幸

Don't you dare let our best memories bring you sorrow.

Yesterday I saw a lion kiss a deer.

Turn the page; maybe we'll find a brand new ending.
翻開不愉快的篇章 或許會看到新的結局

Where we're dancing in our tears.

And God, tell us the reason youth is wasted on the young.
還有上帝 請告訴我為什麼情春總在年少時放浪度過

It's hunting season and this lamb is on the run.
在這肉弱強食的社會 我們像羊群一般奔跑著

We're searching for meaning...

But are we all lost stars trying to light up the dark?
但我們不過迷途之星 仍試著用卑微的力量照亮夜空

I thought I saw you out there crying...

I thought I heard you call my name...

I thought I heard you out there crying...

But just the same...
但 一切都是幻想

And God, tell us the reason youth is wasted on the young.
還有上帝 請告訴我為什麼情春總在年少時放浪度過

It's hunting season and this lamb is on the run.
在這肉弱強食的社會 我們像羊群一般奔跑著

We're searching for meaning...

But are we all lost stars trying to light up the dark?
但我們不過迷途之星 仍試著用卑微的力量照亮夜空

Are we all lost stars trying to light up the dark?


