
2020年8月27日 星期四

Miley Cyrus - Miss You So Much 歌詞翻譯

Miley Cyrus - Miss You So Much 歌詞翻譯(但當你就在我身邊時 對你突如其來思念又該怎麼解釋呢?)

相信若有在關注麥莉的應該知道她的maternal grandmother(媽媽的媽媽)Loretta Finley去世了,RIP。
這首歌的靈感除了她朋友的男友說的一句話: how … once someone’s gone, they’re not really gone; if you love them, they’re here.(嗯...當某人離開時,他們並不是真的離開了;如果你愛著他們,他們就在這裡。)外婆也是這首歌的靈感之一:You know, my grandma's in her 80s, and I had been hanging out with her the day I was going to record that song. And it made me kind of think about her, the more I started singing it. I started thinking about, 'How can I miss you already?' Hopefully no time in my near future, but there's going to be probably a time in my life where I'm not gonna have her. And [she's] been someone that I really, really lean on. She's my biggest — she literally runs my fan club. I mean that literally; she writes back to all my fans — she does all my fan mail. So it made me think about how you can miss someone when they're still here, but you start thinking about a time when they might not be.(你知道,我外婆已經八十多歲了,在我要去錄製這首歌前,我和她在一起。讓我有點想起她,當我開始演唱,我開始想"我怎麼這麼快就開始想你了?"希望不是在太近的未來,但大概會有一段時間,我沒辦法把她留在我的生命裡。而她是我一直以來很依靠的人。我的粉絲俱樂部基本上就是她在經營的,真的;她寫信回覆我所有的粉絲-是她幫我處理所有的粉絲郵件。所以這讓我開始想為什麼當她還在身邊時便如此想念她,但又開始想當她不在時的樣子。)

They say love can drive ya crazy, my dear
他們說愛情能使人瘋狂 親愛的

I wanna trap you in a locket, or in my pocket
我想將你困在我的吊墜 或是口袋中

So I can keep you near

You know I'd never hurt you

If you fall, I’d pick you up and I'd drink your tears
若你感到失意 我會幫你整理好心情 飲舐你落下的淚珠

But how can I miss you so much when you're right here?
但當你就在我身邊時 對你突如其來思念又該怎麼解釋呢?

They say good things come to those who wait

It’s like countin' in light years

I'd physically live without you, but I don't want to
我可以肉體上的離開你 但我不願意

And death's never been my fear

You can take my blood, take my bones
你能擁有我的血 我的骨頭

My heart is yours, I volunteer
我的心已屬於你 我自願當你的寶貝

But how can I miss you so much when you're right here?
但當你就在我身邊時 對你突如其來思念又該怎麼解釋呢?

When you look up at a rainbow

Do you ever wonder what's really waiting at the end?
你是否想過 是誰在結束的那端等待著?

I don't want no gold, nothing’s more than you
我不想要金子 沒有任何事比的上你

The amount is hard to even comprehend

Nothing I can do, I lost control
我無能為力 我無法控制

Something we hold on to so dear

But how can I miss you so much when you’re right here?
但當你就在我身邊時 對你突如其來思念又該怎麼解釋呢?

And how at this optimal time did you just appear?

Everyone under their guard, so full of shit
那時的大家都戴著面具 不敢表露真心

But you are just so sheer

You're my God, you’re my faith
你是我的主 你是我的信仰

On my knees, I look at you and I revere
雙膝跪著 我望像你的心是多麼虔誠

But how can I miss you so much when you're right here?
但當你就在我身邊時 對你突如其來思念又該怎麼解釋呢?

When you look up at the cosmos

Do you ever wonder if there's really even an end?

It might go on forever, like my love for you
它或許是無限延伸 像我對你的愛

An amount that's hard to even comprehend

I won’t waste my time with wonder, in apprehension, or livin' life in fear
我不會將光陰浪費在幻想 憂慮 恐懼中

But how can I miss you so much when you're right here?
但當你就在我身邊時 對你突如其來思念又該怎麼解釋呢?

You're my God, you're my faith
你是我的主 你是我的信仰

On my knees, I look at you and I revere
雙膝跪著 我望像你的心是多麼虔誠

You can take my blood, take my bones
你能擁有我的血 我的骨頭

My heart is yours, I volunteer
我的心已屬於你 我自願當你的寶貝

But how can I miss you so much when you're right here?
但當你就在我身邊時 對你突如其來思念又該怎麼解釋呢?

But how can I miss you so much when you're right here?
但當你就在我身邊時 對你突如其來思念又該怎麼解釋呢?


under their guard 依後面的But you are just so sheer,指的是人們沒有展現出最真實的自己。sheer也有透明的意思。


