
2020年11月21日 星期六

mxmtoon - Feelings Are Fatal 歌詞翻譯

mxmtoon - Feelings Are Fatal 歌詞翻譯

But opening up means trusting others. And that’s just too much, I don’t want to bother如果是這樣的話,我願意當你的朋友,我不會感到麻煩的。心事可以藏在心裡,但若讓自己感到窒息,建議還是說出來好了~可以發發文、寫寫日記,或是寫成歌唱出來。

I'm happy for you, I'm smiling for you
我為你感到高興 我為你微笑

I'd do anything for you, for you
我願為你做任何事情 只為你

It’s always for you and never for me
永遠是為你 不是為我

And I need it to stop so let me tell you, please
這種癡迷必須停下 所以讓我告訴你 拜託

I'm always sad and I'm always lonely
我一如過往的悲傷 一如過往的孤獨

But I can’t tell you that I'm breaking slowly
但我不能告訴你 我正慢慢的崩潰著

Closed doors, locked in, no keys
沒有鑰匙的封閉的門 緊鎖著

Keeping my feelings hidden, there is no ease
把感情藏在心裡 並不是件輕鬆的事

I need it to stop and I want to be able to open up
我得停下 就算我想要敞開心扉

But my feelings are fatal, my feelings are fatal
但我的情感是如此致命 我的情感是致命的

How many times must I keep it inside

I need to let go and I swear that I've tried
我得將情緒釋放 我發誓我努力的試過了

But opening up means trusting others

And that’s just too much, I don’t want to bother
這對我來說仍太過了 我不想麻煩別人

So I'll keep it inside and bury it deep
所以我還是將它存著吧 埋在最深的心底

I know it’s not healthy but you won’t hear a peep
我知道這不健康 但你便不會聽到

Though I'm always sad and I'm always lonely
雖然我一如過往的悲傷 一如過往的孤獨

But I can’t tell you that I'm breaking slowly
但我不能告訴你 我正慢慢的崩潰著

Closed doors, locked in, no keys
沒有鑰匙的封閉的門 緊鎖著

Keeping my feelings hidden, there is no ease
把感情藏在心底 並不是件輕鬆的事

I need it to stop and I want to be able to open up
我得停下 就算我想要敞開心扉

But my feelings are fatal, my feelings are fatal
但我的情感是如此致命 我的情感是致命的

My feelings are fatal


