
2020年1月3日 星期五

Ingrid Michaelson - Starting Now 歌詞翻譯

Ingrid Michaelson - Starting Now (現在開始)歌詞翻譯

Ingrid Michaelson - Starting Now (現在開始)歌詞翻譯


I want to crawl back inside my mother's womb

I want to shut out all the lights in this room

I want to start fresh, like a baby in a sink
我想要重新乾淨的開始 像在母親肚子中純粹的優游

Scrub away all these thoughts that I think of you

So life moves slowly when you're waiting for it to boil,
當你有所期盼時 時間似乎沒有在過

Feel like I watch from six feet under the soil

Still, want to hold you and kiss behind your ears,
到現在 我仍想依在你懷裡親吻你的耳朵

But I recount the countless tears that I lost for you

But before you finally go there's one thing you should know, that I promise
在你終於離開之前 有件事必須讓你知道 我保證

Starting now, I'll never know your name
從現在開始 我不會認你的名字

Starting now, I'll never feel the same
從現在開始 我將會感到煥然一新

Starting now, I wish you never came into my world
從現在開始 我會希望你不曾存在於我的世界

I want to crawl back inside my bed of sin

I want to burn the sheets that smell like your skin

Instead I'll wash them just like kitchen rags with stains
但我不會 我打算把它當作廚房破布仔細清洗每一塊髒污

Spinning away every piece that remains of you

But before you finally go there's one thing you should know, that I promise
在你終於離開之前 有件事必須讓你知道 我保證

Starting now, I'll never know your name
從現在開始 我會忘記你的名字

Starting now, I'll never feel the same
從現在開始 我將會感到煥然一新

Starting now, I wish you never came into my world
從現在開始 我不會再懷念有你的世界

It's my world, it's not ours anymore
這是我的新生活 不是我們的

It's my world, it's not ours anymore
這是我的新生活 不是我們的

Starting now, I'll never know your name
從現在開始 我會忘記你的名字

Starting now, I'll never feel the same
從現在開始 我將會感到煥然一新

Starting now, I wish you never came into my world
從現在開始 我不會再懷念有你的世界

be six feet under 入土 死去

Colbie Caillat-I Won't 歌詞翻譯


