
2020年8月20日 星期四

Miley Cyrus-Win Some, Lose Some 歌詞翻譯

Miley Cyrus-Win Some, Lose Some 歌詞翻譯

再次以免有人不知道,Everybody's shocked when they all saw her kiss me是只Miley和Kaitlynn在義大利的旅遊被拍到接吻。

Last night was the nail in the coffin

Lord knows we were already dead

Look back and the memory's haunted
回首過去 回憶縈繞不去

Can't believe we did it again, yeah

Can't count all the times that I faked it

Thank God for the thoughts in my head

Killed time, but we both gotta face it
不斷消磨時間拖延 但我們都得面對

Welcome to the end of the end, yeah

You know me the best

But you hurt me the worst, my darling

I can't pretend anymore

You win some, you lose some
當你得到某人 你便失去某人

Everybody talks, but they don't know our history
大家都在談論著 但他們不懂我們的過往

Everybody loves you, but they won't forgive me
大家都站在你那邊 他們不肯原諒我的

Shot through the sky, we burned in the sun
激情劃過天際 在太陽的烈火中燃燒

What's done is done, we had some fun
該結束的都結束了 玩樂也體驗過了

You win some, you lose some
當你得到什麼 便同時失去了一些事情

One drink and we're fighting in public
一杯酒 我們在公共場合大吵一架

Two drinks and we're back in the bed
兩杯黃湯下肚 我們又回到床上

Wake up and I'm sick to my stomach

Can't believe we did it again, yeah

You know me the best

But you hurt me the worst, my darling

I can't pretend anymore

You win some, you lose some
當你得到某人 你便失去某人

Everybody talks, but they don't know our history
大家都在談論著 但他們不懂我們的過往

Everybody loves you, but they won't forgive me
大家都站在你那邊 他們不肯原諒我的

Shot through the sky, we burned in the sun
激情劃過天際 在太陽的烈火中燃燒

What's done is done, we had some fun
該結束的都結束了 玩樂也體驗過了

You win some, you lose some
當你得到什麼 便同時失去了一些事情

Everybody talks, but they don't know our history
大家都在談論著 但他們不懂我們的過往

Everybody's shocked when they all saw her kiss me
當他們看到她親吻我時 是多麼吃驚呀

Shot through the sky, we burned in the sun
激情劃過天際 在太陽的烈火中燃燒

What's done is done, we had some fun
該結束的都結束了 玩樂也體驗過了

You win some, you lose some
當你得到什麼 便同時失去了一些事情

I'm faded, sedated
我正在消逝 心情漸漸平靜

See the fire, can't feel it burning
看見那把火 感受不到其中灼熱

I'm cried out, goodbye now
我掩面痛哭 現在真的得說再見了

Oh well, you win some, you lose some
當你得到什麼 便同時失去了一些事情

(You win some, but you lose some)
(當你得到某人 你便失去某人)

Everybody talks, but they don't know our history
大家都在談論著 但他們不懂我們的過往

Everybody loves you, but they won't forgive me
大家都站在你那邊 他們不肯原諒我的

Shot through the sky, we burned in the sun
激情劃過天際 在太陽的烈火中燃燒

What's done is done, we had some fun
該結束的都結束了 玩樂也體驗過了

You win some, you lose some
當你得到什麼 便同時失去了一些事情

Everybody talks, but they don't know our history
大家都在談論著 但他們不懂我們的過往

Everybody's shocked when they all saw her kiss me
當他們看到她親吻我時 是多麼吃驚呀

Shot through the sky, we burned in the sun
激情劃過天際 在太陽的烈火中燃燒

What's done is done, we had some fun
該結束的都結束了 玩樂也體驗過了

You win some, you lose some
當你得到什麼 便同時失去了一些事情

the nail in the coffin 導致失敗的事件,致命打擊,催命符


