
2022年2月2日 星期三

Matilda Mann - Glass Ceiling 歌詞翻譯

Matilda Mann - Glass Ceiling 歌詞翻譯


I've sat here saying from the start
我坐在這 從一開始就說了

I won't put up with fragile egotistical remarks

And they all said first, it won't get worst, but they lied
他們總是先說 保證事情不會變糟 但這都只是謊言

It's easier to talk than to be the one to walk the line

I've sat here watching what you're like
我坐在這 看著你的樣子

Manipulating's easy, you don't have to even try
操控很簡單 你甚至不用先試過

And they all said how it's impossible to question what is right
他們都說對於一個正確的理念 質疑是不可能的

They talk the talk, rehearsing lines
他們說著說著 不過陳腔濫調

Don't say "I would," unless you really mean it
除非你認真 別將責任攬在自己身上

Don't feel obliged, you know I'm not conceited
別覺得自己是被逼迫的  你知道我並不自負

If we're all insane, then maybe you're the one to blame
如果我們全成了瘋子  我想你是該被責怪的那個

Don't look surprised, I don't disguise my feelings
別看起來太驚訝 我不曾偽裝我的情緒

It's black and white and written on the ceiling
非黑即白 四個字全刻在天花板上了

If we're all insane, then maybe you're the one to blame
如果我們全成了瘋子 請自己想想你做了些什麼

I heard you say it from the start (Mm, mm)

That you were sensitive, how smart (Mm, mm, mm)
說你是很敏感的 多麼聰明

And it's strange to see, nobody questions your lies
有點奇怪 竟然沒有人去質疑你的謊言

You like to talk the talk, but I know you're that kind of guy
一張嘴皮子混遍天下 我很了解你們這種人

Boy, you should think this through
男孩 我勸你好好想想

I'll give you one less clue

Don't say "I would," unless you really mean it
除非你認真 別將責任攬在自己身上

Don't feel obliged, you know I'm not conceited
別覺得自己是被逼迫的  你知道我並不自負

If we're all insane, then maybe you're the one to blame
如果我們全成了瘋子  我想你是該被責怪的那個

Don't look surprised, I don't disguise my feelings
別看起來太驚訝 我不曾偽裝我的情緒

It's black and white and written on the ceiling
非黑即白 四個字全刻在天花板上了

If we're all insane, then maybe you're the one to blame
如果我們全成了瘋子 請自己想想你做了些什麼

Mm, mm, mm, mm
Oh, ooh, ooh

The ceiling's fallen through (Fallen through)*3

The start of something new (Dum, dum-dum)


