
2022年11月20日 星期日

Birdy - Nobody Knows Me Like You Do 歌詞翻譯

Birdy - Nobody Knows Me Like You Do 歌詞翻譯


Last night was the third time I've watched you leave
昨晚 是我第三次看著你離開

And though it's been five months, was like no time had been
即使已經五個月過去了 仍像是前一秒的事情

Fought my tears in the dark as you drove away from me
你開著車離我而行 在漆黑的角落 我與淚水無聲地抗爭

'Cause nobody knows me like you do

You arrived in the evening light outside on the green
草色殘照裡 你來了

And I swore I'd be fine 'til I realized that you still love me
我發誓在知道你還愛我前 我會好好的

To see you standing there, I just felt relieved
看著你站在那裏 是一種的安心

'Cause nobody knows me like you do

And dark are my days now that I face them on my own
黑暗是我現在的日子 我隻身面對

So long are the nights now that I'm sleeping here alone
一個人躺著的晚上 是漫漫長夜

And aftеr all of this time, it's still just as hard to see you go
即使過了這麼久 生活仍如此困難 像那天我看著你離去

'Cause nobody knows me

Nobody knows me like you do

Last night, your eyes were bright again like when we first met
昨天晚上 你的眼眸像我們第一次見面時那般閃爍著

Tried to hide it, but I knew right then you'd found somebody else
試圖隱藏它 但我立刻猜出了你遇上了新的人

Babe, I know you'd do well to forget
寶貝 我知道遺忘是你擅長的事 可你也遺忘了 

That nobody knows you like I do

You're in my dreams, and for a while, it seems we're unbroken
那天我夢見了你 那一片刻 我們仍是完整的

And if I could, I'd never leave, never let my eyes open
如果可以 我不願離開 我不會將眼睛睜開


And I know that I decided we had different lives to lead
我知道 我們選擇了不同的路

Not sure what it was I thought I'd found once I was free
還不清楚方向 我以為分手後我就會找到

But without you beside me, all I can see
但沒有你做我的陪伴 我所能看見的只是

Is that nobody knows me like you do

And dark are my days now that I face them on my own
黑暗是我現在的日子 我隻身面對

So long are the nights now that I'm sleeping here alone
一個人輾轉難眠的晚上 是漫漫長夜

And after all of this time, still breaks my heart to see you go
即使過了這麼久 看著你離開仍是如此艱難

'Cause nobody knows me

Nobody knows me

Nobody knows me like you do


