
2022年1月26日 星期三

King Calaway - World For Two 歌詞翻譯

King Calaway - World For Two 歌詞翻譯

有句歌詞Meet me out where the stars turn blue,雖然是說地科剛教過,我完全看不懂這該是什麼意思,溫度比較高的恆星???

Sometimes I think this world's too much
有時候 我覺得世界有點複雜

All the hurt, all the hate, all it takes is a human touch
太多傷疤 太多憎恨 差的只不過是一點人情

It's so easy to get lost in the light

Make a change, make a choice, all the noise, we can drown it out
做個改變 做個決定吧 所有煩人的噪音 用我們溫暖的嗓音遮蓋過

Meet me out where the stars turn blue, come on
快來吧 在藍星下與我相聚吧

Touch the sky and enjoy the view
觸摸星際 感受震撼的宇宙

So come here, make it all disappear like lovers do
快來吧 讓一切與我們一同消失

Girl, for you, I wish that I could build a world for two
可愛的女孩 我想打造一個屬於我們兩的世界

Girl, for you, I wish that I could build a world for two
可愛的女孩 我想打造一個屬於我們兩的世界

Kiss me like there's no one else for miles
親吻我 就像幾萬里都是我們的地盤

Take it fast, take it slow, letting go for a little while
激烈地 溫柔地 讓浪漫縈繞於此

Heaven's so close to the both of us

For the rest of the night we can fly, we can rise above
靜謐的夜晚 我們遨遊 我們凌駕大地

Meet me out where the stars turn blue, come on
快來吧 在藍星下與我相聚吧

Touch the sky and enjoy the view
觸摸星際 感受震撼的宇宙

So come here, make it all disappear like lovers do
快來吧 讓一切與愛人一同消失

Girl, for you, I wish that I could build a world for two
可愛的女孩 我想打造一個屬於我們兩的世界

Girl, for you, I wish that I could build a world for two
可愛的女孩 我想打造一個屬於我們兩的世界

Girl, for you (I'd build a world)
可愛的女孩 我會打造一個世界

For two (I'd build a world)

Girl, for you (I'd build a world)
屬於妳 女孩

For two, yeah

Meet me out where the stars turn blue, come on
快來吧 在藍星下與我相聚吧

Touch the sky and enjoy the view
觸摸星際 感受震撼的宇宙

So come here, make it all disappear like lovers do
快來吧 讓一切與我們一同消失

Girl, for you, I wish that I could build a world for two
可愛的女孩 我想打造一個屬於我們兩的世界

Meet me out where the stars turn blue, come on
快來吧 在藍星下與我相聚吧

Touch the sky and enjoy the view
觸摸星際 感受震撼的宇宙

So come here, make it all disappear like lovers do
快來吧 讓一切與我們一同消失

Girl, for you, I wish that I could build a world for two
可愛的女孩 我想打造一個屬於我們兩的世界

Girl, for you, I wish that I could build a world for two
可愛的女孩 我想打造一個屬於我們兩的世界

human touch 平易近人的待人方式
drown it out (噪音)蓋過,淹沒


