
2022年8月26日 星期五

Kacey Musgraves - Follow Your Arrow 歌詞翻譯

Kacey Musgraves - Follow Your Arrow 歌詞翻譯

前陣子忘了在哪看到這首是代表同志驕傲歌曲中前50的歌,是來提醒我要翻完Same Trailer Different Park這張專輯的吧~阿阿我翻了兩年的專輯呀突然莫名感慨😭煽情的話我放到翻譯總表裡說~一直沒翻這首是因為別人翻得太好🤦‍♀️。呃...哈哈...哈...😅

If you save yourself for marriage, you're a bore
如果你在婚前堅持守貞 那你真是個無趣的人

If you don't save yourself for marriage, you're a horrible person
如果你在婚前有性行為 那你就是個糟糕的人

If you won't have a drink, then you're a prude
如果你滴酒不沾 那你太過正經嚴肅

But they'll call you a drunk as soon as you down the first one
但當你嚥下第一杯 他們便會開始叫你酒鬼

If you can't lose the weight, then you're just fat
如果你減不了重 那你就是胖子

But if you lose too much, then you're on crack
但如果一不小心瘦了太多 那你定是去吸毒了

You're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't
反正做也不是 不做也不是

So, you might as well just do whatever you want
所以 何嘗不遵從自己心之所向呢?

So, make lots of noise (Hey), kiss lots of boys (Yeah)
來吧 造點聲響 與一池的小鮮肉們熱吻

Or kiss lots of girls if that's somethin' you're into
如果你喜歡 親吻女生也無妨

When the straight and narrow gets a little too straight

Roll up a joint, or don't
捲根菸抽吧 隨你

Just follow your arrow wherever it points

Yeah, follow your arrow wherever it points
看它指向哪裡 哪裡便是心之所向

If you don't go to church, you'll go to Hell
如果你週日不去教堂做禮拜 準備好死後去閻王那報到吧

If you're the first one on the front row, you're a self-righteous son of a...
如果你坐在第一排的第一個 那你真是個十足的混蛋

Can't win for losin', you'll just disappoint 'em
一事無成 屢戰屢敗 你只會一再讓他們失望

Just 'cause you can't beat 'em, don't mean you should join 'em

So, make lots of noise (Hey), kiss lots of boys (Yeah)
來吧 造點聲響 與一池的小鮮肉們熱吻

Or kiss lots of girls if that's somethin' you're into
如果你喜歡 親吻女生也無妨

When the straight and narrow gets a little too straight

Roll up a joint, or don't
捲根菸抽吧 隨你

Just follow your arrow wherever it points

Yeah, follow your arrow wherever it points
看它指向哪裡 哪裡便是心之所向

Say what you think (Say what you think)

Love who you love (Love who you love)

'Cause you just get so many trips around the sun
一年過完還有一年 地球不會停止公轉

Yeah, you only...

Only live once

So, make lots of noise (Hey), kiss lots of boys (Yeah)
來吧 造點聲響 與一池的小鮮肉們熱吻

Or kiss lots of girls if that's somethin' you're into
如果你喜歡 親吻女生也無妨

When the straight and narrow gets a little too straight

Roll up a joint, or don't
捲根菸抽吧 隨你

Just follow your arrow wherever it points

Yeah, follow your arrow wherever it points
看它指向哪裡 哪裡便是心之所向

horrible 這裡有被故意唱得像whore-ibble
straight and narrow 正直坦蕩
Can't win for losing 一事無成 屢戰屢敗
If you're the first one on the front row 通常是牧師坐的位置



