
2020年1月7日 星期二

Demi Lovato - Sorry Not Sorry 歌詞翻譯

Demi Lovato - Sorry Not Sorry (毫無歉意)歌詞翻譯

Demi Lovato - Sorry Not Sorry (才不抱歉)歌詞翻譯

這首歌在Billboard Hot 100上排名第六,超越了2009年的This is me(第九),算是一個新的里程碑吧!裡面歌詞霸氣展露出自己的自信,充滿爆發力的歌聲雪恥一直被低估的能力,向世界證明,這即將是屬於自己的時代,將會好好的閃耀自己,炫耀自己。
到底是在跟誰嗆瞎呢? Miley? Selena? Taylor?,大家總愛把他們幾個拿出來比較(還有亞利安娜啦!)我個人覺得Miley的尖峰時期在2013,Selena在2015,Taylor雖然好像粉絲最多,但我沒有多做研究,而Demi感覺在歐美比較紅ㄋㄟ~但是還是有很多死忠的Lovatic,這裡就有一枚😁
MV走House party風格,邀了一堆好朋友到家裡開趴,玩親親,後面因為太吵,被警察警告,Demi說:I hear the cops are here to shut us down, but who gives it a fuck!停頓了一下,補上:I'm totally kidding. I respect the police.超可愛的!!💗

Payback is a bad bitch

And baby, I'm the baddest
而寶貝 我是其中王者

(I'm the baddest, I'm the baddest...)
我是最賤的那個 最婊的那位...


Now, I'm out here lookin' like revenge
現在 我看起來有滿腔怒火

Feelin' like a ten, the best I've ever been
狀態滿分 從沒感覺如此完美

And, yeah, I know how bad it must hurt to see me like this
我知道 看到我是如此自信是多麼難受

But it gets worse (wait a minute)

Now, you're out here lookin' like regret, ain't too proud to beg
現在 你看起來極為後悔 也不是拉不下臉不敢求饒

Second chance, you'll never get
第二次機會 才不會給你咧

And, yeah, I know how bad it must hurt to see me like this
我知道 看到我是如此自信心有如刀割

But it gets worse (wait a minute)

Now, payback is a bad bitch
現在 報復是個臭婊

And baby, I'm the baddest
而寶貝 我是其中女神

You fuckin' with a savage

Can't have this, can't have this (ah)
你贏不了 你只是個玩笑

And it'd be nice of me to take it easy on ya, but nah
而或許我可以當個爛好人不對你開炮 但才不要

Baby, I'm sorry (I'm not sorry)
寶貝 我好抱歉(才怪)

Baby, I'm sorry (I'm not sorry)
寶貝 我好抱歉(一點都不)

Bein' so bad got me feelin' so good

Showin' you up like I knew that I would
看你出洋相像 照著我的劇本演出

Baby, I'm sorry (I'm not sorry)
寶貝 我好抱歉(才怪)

Baby, I'm sorry (I'm not sorry)
寶貝 我好抱歉(一點都不)

Feelin' inspired 'cause the tables have turned
風水輪流轉 是如此舒爽

Yeah, I'm on fire and I know that it burns
我的氣勢太強大了 靠我太近小心會被燒傷

Baby, fineness is the way to kill
寶貝 至高無上是殺謬的風度

Tell me how it feel, bet it's such a bitter pill
告訴我任人宰割的感覺如何 我猜大概像吞毒藥般痛苦吧

And yeah I know, you thought you had bigger, better things
對我知道 你以為你有更厲害更強大的東西

Bet right now this stings (wait a minute)

'Cause the grass is greener under me

Bright as technicolor, I can tell that you can see
像霓虹燈般絢爛 我知道你正忌妒著

And, yeah, I know how bad it must hurt to see me like this
我知道 看到我是如此自信心有如刀割

But it gets worse (wait a minute)

Now, payback is a bad bitch
現在 報復是個臭婊

And baby, I'm the baddest
兒寶貝 我是其中女神

You fuckin' with a savage

Can't have this, can't have this (ah)
你贏不了 你只是個玩笑

And it'd be nice of me to take it easy on ya, but nah
而或許我可以當個爛好人不對你開炮 但才不要

Baby, I'm sorry (I'm not sorry)
寶貝 我好抱歉(才怪)

Baby, I'm sorry (I'm not sorry)
寶貝 我好抱歉(一點都不)

Bein' so bad got me feelin' so good

Showin' you up like I knew that I would

Baby, I'm sorry (I'm not sorry)
寶貝 我好抱歉(才怪)

Baby, I'm sorry (I'm not sorry)
寶貝 我好抱歉(一點都不)

Feelin' inspired 'cause the tables have turned
風水輪流轉 是如此舒爽

Yeah, I'm on fire and I know that it burns
我的氣勢太強大了 靠我太近小心會被燒傷

Talk that talk, baby
說該說的 寶貝

Better walk, better walk that walk, baby
說該說的話 做該做的事 寶貝

If you talk, if you talk that talk, baby
若你曾這麼說過 這麼答應過 寶貝

Better walk, better walk that walk, baby
最好拿出誠意做到最好 寶貝

Oh, yeah, talk that talk, baby
若你曾這麼答應過 寶貝

Better walk, better walk, that walk, baby
最好付諸行動 完成你的承諾 寶貝

If you talk, if you talk that talk, baby
若你曾這麼說過 這麼答應過 寶貝

Better walk, better walk that walk, baby
最好付諸行動 完成你的承諾 寶貝


Baby, I'm sorry (I'm not sorry)
寶貝 我好抱歉(才怪)

Baby, I'm sorry (I'm not sorry)
寶貝 我好抱歉(一點都不)

Bein' so bad got me feelin' so good

Showin' you up like I knew that I would

Baby, I'm sorry (I'm not sorry)
寶貝 我好抱歉(才怪)

Baby, I'm sorry (I'm not sorry)
寶貝 我好抱歉(一點都不)

Feelin' inspired 'cause the tables have turned
風水輪流轉 是如此舒爽

Yeah, I'm on fire and I know that it burns
我的氣勢太強大了 靠我太近小心會被燒傷

Payback is a bad bitch

And baby, I'm the baddest
而寶貝 我是其中王者

I'm the baddest, I'm the baddest
我是最賤的那個 最婊的那位

Walk that walk talk that talk:基本上我只有查到Walk the walk talk the talk,是指說一套做一套。
還有,在audio版本是唱Payback is a bad chick(只不過我沒放上來),而不是MV或Live的Payback is a bad bitch。


